Rollover Buttons
A Rollover is when you take two images and fit them into the space of one. This can be done on websites as simple Rollovers in order to turn one image into another when the mouse scrolls over this. They are also known to be used in more complex websites too, using the rollover tool to fit in a slide show or SWF video without it taking up the whole page. This is a big advantage for larger companies as they can fit much more information about their products on a page.
One of the disadvantages is the extra javascript this creates. The more Rollover buttons or other features on a website the longer it will take to load. One alternative is you can create a separate page for the images you want to convey and hyperlink them - this creates less to load at once and means if the user doesn't want to view the image they don't have to wait for an image they're not going to use. This option is chosen by most companies who sells products as, where they have so many products, it is easier and more user friendly to just create a different pages for each one with the same template.
An example of a Rollover can be found below:
The code for this Rollover is as follows:
<script language="javascript">
MouseRollover(MyImage) {
MyImage.src = "
MouseOut(MyImage) {
MyImage.src = "
<br />
<div align="center">
<!--The rollover image displays here.-->
<img border="0" onmouseout="MouseOut(this)"
onmouseover="MouseRollover(this)" src=" button1.png" />
E-Cards/ Email Attachments
E-cards are a lot like postcards except they are created and sent using digital media. This means that someone can create and personalise a card for the reader like they would usually and email it straight to the recipient. This is a cost free version of posting a card as well as taking out the time frame in which it would have taken to post it.
Another Advantage of E-cards over conventional greetings cards is you can do more with them than simple pen and paper. By doing it all digital you can also choose to upload sound or video to your card making it more unique and special.
A disadvantage however is if you create an E-card using a website or third party based program. This is because, if you go through a third party E-Card creator, you are giving them access to both yours and the recipients email address. This means that the company can take advantage of this and send you emails. This can be especially dangerous as where the recipient didn't "opt in" to this, if they receive spam, both the sender and the third party can be held responsible.
There are many types of E-cards:
These can range from simple Holiday greetings:
To more sarcastic and Funny cards:
To E-Cards you can add to manipulate as you wish:
An Example of an E-Card site is:
You people can use to send singing birthday cards to their friends and family. Most E-Cards such as these are sent as E-mail attachments. This is when you choose to add an image or file to send to whom you want to receive it. This is easier than normal mail as you can choose to send it to someones personal email where you know they will receive it, and then open it with your E-card inside.
Output Devices
There are a large variety of output devices that animations can be be viewed on. This can range from large Cinema sized screens, used for public displays, to small screens found on a smart phone. This can cause constraints on animators because this large variation in size can cause resolution problems.
Also Because of the different kinds of screens available, like Tablets and PC monitors, there is no exact size an animation can be. For Some Devices you can have a perfect fit but for others this will leave an outline or gap between the animation and the screen. This also means that depending on the device some formats will not be able to be viewed. For example apple do not let you view flash SWF files.
Downloading the file is also a problem as if you create a large and complex animation then depending on the device it can take too long depending on download speed and processing power. This can cause problems on devices like phones as the download speed can vary anyway let alone if the file is over sized. This can be affected by something large, like the range and quantity of techniques used, to the simple matter of how many colours are used.
E-Cards/ Email Attachments
You people can use to send singing birthday cards to their friends and family. Most E-Cards such as these are sent as E-mail attachments. This is when you choose to add an image or file to send to whom you want to receive it. This is easier than normal mail as you can choose to send it to someones personal email where you know they will receive it, and then open it with your E-card inside.
Output Devices
There are a large variety of output devices that animations can be be viewed on. This can range from large Cinema sized screens, used for public displays, to small screens found on a smart phone. This can cause constraints on animators because this large variation in size can cause resolution problems.
Also Because of the different kinds of screens available, like Tablets and PC monitors, there is no exact size an animation can be. For Some Devices you can have a perfect fit but for others this will leave an outline or gap between the animation and the screen. This also means that depending on the device some formats will not be able to be viewed. For example apple do not let you view flash SWF files.
Downloading the file is also a problem as if you create a large and complex animation then depending on the device it can take too long depending on download speed and processing power. This can cause problems on devices like phones as the download speed can vary anyway let alone if the file is over sized. This can be affected by something large, like the range and quantity of techniques used, to the simple matter of how many colours are used.
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